Bahr & Company

Content Creation

Create Content Calculated to Convert with a full picture perspective

Measure organic vs advertised performance to know how and when to adjust your strategy to incrementally optimize performance.

Manage and feed Virality with optimized influencer targeted content.

Measure organic vs advertised performance to know how and when to adjust

Harness and focus viral traffic into multiple marketplace revenue streams.

Our long experience with strategies on Amazon & Social Commerce Ads

Give us the ability to know so well the audience behavior that we know exactly the kind of content that resonates with them so your products can have major conversion.


Improve visibility of products,
brands, and stores with ads.

Give purpose and drive behind an image in order to appear in search results and on strategic marketplace pages across all devices from desktop to mobile in order to achieve coveted page position
through the use of

– Sponsored Products
– Sponsored Brands
– Video Advertising
– Display (DSP)
– Stores


We reach new shoppers with custom converting content that highlights your products and tells your brand’s story

This is delivered to a strategic audience that was previously untapped

Here’s where the conversions are happening:

– Amazon Posts
– Amazon video Ads
– Instagram/ TikTok Video Ads
– Editorial Content



Sorting and fitting the puzzle pieces to make compelling copy, creative detail pages, and premium content are all essential in building a cohesive buying experience on the world’s largest marketplaces

We’ve created the formula to produce content specialized for your target audience.

Most of the people lose attention in videos after 4 seconds, that’s right 4 seconds! So lets us help you to produce #StopScrolling videos that will get your target audience attention and conversion! (logos de fb, instagram tiktok ads)

The way you place your products could be the difference between making a sale or not, between choosing the product of the competition or yours, do not take it lightly, and let us build the visual identity, bullet points and CTA of your products in incredible listing images or videos.

We connect through stories, and the first impression could be your chance to connect with tons of shoppers. Lets tell your brand story through impressive images, enhanced photography, artworks, amazing listing images or banners. We know exactly what you’ll need to rock your amazon store page!

The UCG has been among us since the beginning of time, a friend recommending a product is worth more than any ad right? This video review format is taking a crazy force especially on TikTok and Instagram so much so that it has become the 98% reason why people buy, where the secret is to create videos that look 100% authentic and real not for sale but recommending the main benefits of the product, managing to connect much more effectively with the audience and generating immediate sales. And that cool thing abut UCG? you don’t need famous influencers to recommend your product, people is looking real people like them, is all about the story and the authenticity.

48% of people will loose
interest in a brand on
social media if is too selfpromoted”

98% of people preferd to buy a product because UCG
contest UCG humanizes the
brand on social media




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